Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Downloading All NIPS papers

Recently I wanted to download a large amount of NIPS papers, so I decided to write a little web - scraper in python. Not much more to say, [here] it is. There are two scripts. One downloading the papers and one downloading the abstracts. The script basically lists all books from the nips page,
then lists all papers and from the paper page, it downloads the pdfs or abstract.
I also put the script for the paper download, below. In order to use it, you need the following libraries and python 3:

from lxml import html
import requests
import urllib.request

page = requests.get(BASE_URL)
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
books = [ href.attrib['href'] for href in tree.xpath('//a') if 'book' in href.attrib['href']]

for book in books:
    book_page = requests.get(BASE_URL + book)
    tree = html.fromstring(book_page.content)
    papers = [ href.attrib['href'] for href in tree.xpath('//a') if 'paper' in href.attrib['href']]
    for paper in papers:
        paper_page = requests.get(BASE_URL + paper)        
        tree = html.fromstring(paper_page.content)
        links = [ href.attrib['href'] for href in tree.xpath('//a') if 'pdf' in href.attrib['href']]
        for link in links:
            local = link.split('/')[-1]
            urllib.request.urlretrieve(BASE_URL + link, local)

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