I implemented an LSTM in Java that can read a trained Keras models in order
to use it in some other Java projects. You can check the repository at [:Github:]
The ipython notebook exports the weights of an LSTM
and also exports some test for a random input sequence and the resulting output.
The Java implementation reads the exported weights and then applies them. All
matrix operations are implemented using jBlas.
- The numeric helper class implements matrix loading and slicing.
- Tanh and the sigmoid functions are also in the helper class.
- The LSTM state is a separate class holding the cell state and the hidden activation.
- The LSTM holds all the weights and applies them to sequences.
The basic slicing of the weights is implemented using the same weight
coding as Keras [:Github:]
self.kernel_i = self.kernel[:, :self.units] self.kernel_f = self.kernel[:, self.units: self.units * 2] self.kernel_c = self.kernel[:, self.units * 2: self.units * 3] self.kernel_o = self.kernel[:, self.units * 3:] self.recurrent_kernel_i = self.recurrent_kernel[:, :self.units] self.recurrent_kernel_f = self.recurrent_kernel[:, self.units: self.units * 2] self.recurrent_kernel_c = self.recurrent_kernel[:, self.units * 2: self.units * 3] self.recurrent_kernel_o = self.recurrent_kernel[:, self.units * 3:] if self.use_bias: self.bias_i = self.bias[:self.units] self.bias_f = self.bias[self.units: self.units * 2] self.bias_c = self.bias[self.units * 2: self.units * 3] self.bias_o = self.bias[self.units * 3:]